I was looking at the statistics for our Portuguese Language Stack. It is evident that improvements need to be made in most areas if we are to get out of the BETA stage. As I was browsing through various interesting questions on the site, I couldn't help but compare it to the English Language Learner Stack, and I noted that our answers seem to be much greater in length. Though this results in thoroughness, it may be a bit of a turn-off for new visitors to the site; especially those who are learners (since its been suggested that learners will be amongst the target audience). Here are some statistics I pulled up:
(Nature of statistics; the accepted answers from the top 10 highest-voted questions)
English Language Learners:
Average word Count - 119.0
Spanish Language beta:
Average word Count - 209.7
Portuguese Language beta:
Average word count - 393.8
*All results were calculated using a freeware word counter. Please note that in both the Spanish & Portuguese stack sites, I have calculated the English answer when I was encountered with dual-language answers.*
Of course, such statistics are flawed in that, no two questions are the same, and some questions require longer answers than others. What is more, the variation in the languages contributes to varying word lengths. However, I feel that these statistics provide some valuable information.
My suggestion is that perhaps we should try to shorten our answers where possible. This would potentially make the site less intimidating to new users. What do you think?
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler" - Albert Einstein