I've noticed that Portuguese SE's SEO is currently not so good. With some searches using vague terms, i.e. without including "stackexchange" or
anything closely related to Portuguese SE in the search, it rarely appears on the first page. The first page is 99% of times sufficient to the user and there's a 1% chance that the user goes to the second page, and even less to go to the third, and so on.
Here I list some searches and the page in which Portuguese SE appeared:
Now some narrower searches:
Out of 20 searches, in just 7 of them Portuguese SE was on the first page, in which 5 out of these 7 needed narrowing.
One of the things to do so it could get a bit better is making the question title and body more "search engine friendly", i.e. adding keywords in them, like, for example, "diferença" or "difference" to "word-choice" questions (with proper context, not just throw a bunch of words nonsensically). This boosts Google's relevance rate to Portuguese SE pages, as is noticeable in the tests above.
But what's the point of all that I'm saying? The point is that the more Portuguese SE is noticed by search engines, the more people will notice and access it, increasing the visits/day, and consequently boosting the results priority for Portuguese SE, and consequently being noticed by more visitors, and possibly them getting interested in joining and/or asking questions, and that way increasing the questions per day.
Another way to increase users/visitors is the good ol' spreading of the word about Portuguese SE, be it for friends or the public.
Also, in order to increase the users reputation, votes are never too much, as this user with his answer with it's 24.000+ upvotes can say very well, lol XD. Ahem. So the focus, at least for now, should be the low rep users, but don't just upvote any answer/question like crazy. If an answer is well written and correct, and a question is interesting or well written and upvotable (i.e. not homework, "where do I start", etc., questions), upvote it with no mercy.
These are far from being miraculous solutions, but if they help, AWWW YEAH, no doubt!